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QCP: Church News: Women take offense to viral clips of T. D. Jakes sermons.

QCP: Church News: Women take offense to viral clips of T. D. Jakes sermons

By Candace L. Smith

Over the past few months Bishop T. D. Jakes has been in the headlines and the mouthpieces of many bloggers after clips of his sermon speaking very harshly towards women surfaced on Tik Tok and other social media platforms.

Bishop Jakes is a household name in many Black and African American families.  He became popular in the late 90s and early 2000s after he preached a lot of popular sermons and held many christian conferences that often highlighted the plight of the Black woman.  

One of his most famous conferences was "Woman thou art loosed."  This sermon and conference that has been an annual conference, often time a sold out event, brought a lot of financial gain and recognition in Black womens households.  

The "Woman Thou Art Loosed" message resonated with the Black woman whose pain was often neglected and unrecognized by black men openly even though they often filled the pews of many Black churches under Black male leadership. 

In 2019 it was announced that the popular conference would end, Jakes stated that, "It's been amazing.  It's been an incredible career.  Over 30 years I've been doing 'Woman Thou Art Loosed.' In an interview with EEW magazine he announces with sadness the need to move on and discuss other topics.  But he also discusses the success of the conference and how it was needed during that time.  He acknowledges the need for a spotlight to be held on men as well.

At its start, “Woman Thou Art Loosed” was a Sunday School class taught by Jakes that he said “really struck into a reservoir of human need, dealing with women being trapped by emotional, mental, physical pain, trauma, abuse, childhood scars. And it was just a message to say that you can get over it; that you can get beyond it; that you can still be somebody; that you don’t have to be ensnared by where you came from. It was very simplistic, but it was very needed, and I think it’s still needed today.”

But now, after three decades of pouring into women through the annual “Woman Thou Art Loosed” gathering, Jakes said it’s time to do other things.

“Women are taking leadership. They’re moving in positions of power. They’re being healed emotionally and spiritually. Now it’s time to talk about some other things that need to happen,” he explained.

“We’re losing our men. We’re losing our sons. We’ve got all kinds of crazy stuff happening in our country right now, and I need to free my hands from what I used to do, so that I can have availability to focus on the ways that I can best contribute now,” Jakes added.

When Woman Thou Art Loosed was first being preached I was a young woman.  When the movie was released I watched it with older women and I identified with the things that I'd witnessed but they were not my testimonies.  Now as an adult grown woman who has experienced and learned the realities of the world I am not accepting of the portrayals of womanhood in this movie.

In  2022 Jakes has stayed in the spotlight for more than his conferences and books.  He's been in the headlines in regards to family issues as stories began to surface along the blogosphere about a possible child abduction scandal with his daughter Cora Jacobs. 

When it comes to Jakes himself, a few clips of his recent sermons have turned up on social media sites such as tik tok.  The videos show Jakes speaking harshly towards Black women.  This comes as a surprise to a lot of Black woman who took Jakes to be an advocate for Black women's issues.

The first video that began to circulate of a clip of various portions in one of his sermons.  In the clips Jakes is heard saying things like, "they've turned our churches into a brothel, I don't mind the prostitutes coming in looking like hoes but when the choir...

"I'm going to preach to shame comes back."  What's worse is that its ripped into the culture of the church.  You ain't trying to minister to people you're trying to be sexy." And you expect me to respect you when you walk like a hoe."

It's obvious that these are clips meshed together so there's no real context to place the statements in but the statements are still hurtful and damaging.  A lot of times when women address men they are often judged by not only what they say but how they say it.  Because yes the truth hurts.  But there are not many times where men who are in leadership positions are judged by how harshly they speak to women.

Notes from sermons:

He announces the message at the beginning. Real men are not a deficit they are an asset.  Jesus is talking to his disciples about his father.  Reading from John 15.  Jesus points out to his disciples that the way that God has loved him he has loved them (the disciples).  You can't just turned the kids over her.  She will nurture the kids and later regret it.  Single mothers have to have both.  You have to balance and its hard.

You can't expect God to bless you if you don't obey (John 15:11)... Love one another as I have loved you (the one commandment). "If I put up with you...If I'm patience with you.. You ought to reflect the love that is given to you.  Is your love a reflection of him? Or your selfishness? Can anyone see the reflection of love of Jesus Christ in you?

You are mean.  You are not being understood you're hateful.  They just don't get me.  

Quotes scriptures about Jesus and God's love. 

Men pour in.  It's not about taking. Lust takes.  A lot of people you think love you just lust you.

"They just don't get me" in a female voice around 9 minute mark.

John 15:16

Fruitful but scared...I have ordained that your fruit should remain. 

As the Father has loved me so have I loved you--he goes back to the beginning. He talks about how the Father has loved us.  Why is your love so conditional?  He poses a question to the audience? Then he prays.

Everything begins with fatherhood.

Your self esteem is affected when you have to ask your wife for lunch money.  When Adam started eating out of Eve's hand sin came in.  The divine order was interrupted.

Women be careful about pouring too much into us.  We are designed to pour into you.  You are designed to take what we pour into you, increase it, appreciate it...

We are raising up women to be men.  And you are not applauded for your femininity in contemporary society, climbing the corporate ladder but we are losing our families.  Until you create a need that I can pour into...stop bragging about how much you don't need me.

Let's prove to the men how indispensable you are.  You became who you became out of pain.  But watch what is born out of pain.  The way you cope with disorder.  Insist in the better out of me instead of replacing me.

Autonomy - Men are designed to pour in

Women become better mothers than wives...the women use children and gather them like troops against the husband/father as revenge.  "Since you took away what I love, I will take away what you love."  You got the child support but you didn't get the child support.  The court can make a man pay child support but can't make a man pay child support because child support is attention.

When you take the father's love away from the child or when the father doesn't know how to love the child, the child is damaged.  

Illustration with and empty glass of water.  It is hard to pour into people what was not poured into you.  

You can be cute but you're empty pour in.  


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